Hilda Lindell, a member the Moneta Garden Club, received the top award for her “Underwater” design at the 2013 Convention Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs held recently in Charlottesville.The Standard Flower Show included all miniature and small designs and represented all of the design types in modern floral designs. Lindell won a Petite Awards in the small design division. She won a blue ribbon in the Class and a petite rosette in the section.Lindell, president of the Blue Ridge District Flower Show Judges Council, also is a Master Flower Show judge with National Garden Clubs, Inc., and a member of Designer’s Atelier in Roanoke. She has belonged to garden clubs in New York and Virginia, where she served in many capacities.
Mission Statement Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Inc
provide youth and adult education resources and opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic and environmental responsibility.
Janet was a member of MGC from 06/19/89 - 12/2/2014
She was a past President of MGC, VFGC Life Member and VFGC Book Of Honor recipient. Janet gave so much to her garden club and community. She was also MGC Chairman for the SML State Park and Bedford Landscaping projects for years. In remembrance of Janet , MGC will be planting a Service Berry Tree at the SML State Park entrance in the spring. Everyone is welcome to attend. Janet will be sorely missed.
Virginia Federation Of Garden Clubs, Inc. (VFGC) Youth Grants
VFGC Beautify and Restore Grants
Bedford Council Festival of Trees
Smokey Bear Woodsy Owl
Christmas Luncheon & Auction
Fashion Show
Plant Sale
Moneta Garden Club (MGC) 2019-2021
Katheryn Pignatella, President
Carol Hendtix Co- 1st Vice President
Linda Preston Co- 1st Vice President
Sharon Jones, Co-2nd Vice President
Ann Sailer Co-2nd Vice President
Katie Peters , Secretary
Marty Bowers, Treasurer
Blue Ridge District Members celebrating the installation of Moneta Garden Club's very own Marty Bowers as the new 2017-2019 VFGC President
Moneta Garden Club Members attended an Open House at Janet and Dick Hill's on Nov. 26, 2014.
Janet passed Dec. 2, 2014. Rest in peace dear friend.
2014 South Atlantic Region Garden Clubs (SAR) Fashion Show
Presented by Moneta Garden Club Members.
Join a Garden Club
Floral Design
Roadside Beautification
Work With Youth
Work With Elderly
Community Support
We are not just a club-we are more that that-we are a family
Sharon Jones was installed as Blue Ridge District President 2017-2019 at the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Convention.
BR District Theme: "Planting the Seeds of the Future, It's Trending"
Moneta Garden Club is very active in Youth School Activities/Enrichment Programs and Scouts. MGC's Butterfly Garden project at Burnt Chimney Elementary School won BRD, VFGC SAR and NGC's Merit Award for 2014.
The objectives of this club shall reflect those of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. including: --education; --exchange of information and ideas among members; promotion of conservation and environmentally-friendly activities; -encouragement of community pride through landscape enhancement of private and commercial areas.
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Moneta Garden Club Members attending the South Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs Conventions 2014.
Marty Bowers was installed at the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs Convention as our 2017-2019 President.
Marty's theme -"Planting Today for Future Generations"
Virginia Federation of Garden Club 2017 Convention
Pictured: Sandy Houck (MGC Member, VFGC President 2017-2019 Marty Bowers ( MGC Member) 2015-2017 NGC President, Sandra Robinson, 2017-2019 NGC 2017-2019 BRD President, Sharon Jones (MGC Member), President, Nancy Hargroves , 2017-2019 BRD Director/Treasurer, Linda Bosiger (MGC Member)
Botanical Bulldogs Junior Garden Club of Burnt Chimney Elementary School enjoy tending and harvesting their veggies from their raised bed gardens. Funding for this project was provided by the 2013-2014 VFGC Youth Project Grants Program.
The Moneta Garden Club of Moneta Virginia, was organized in November 1978 and federated in April 1979.
The club holds membership in National Garden
Clubs, inc; South Atlantic Region; the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc
(VFGC).; the Blue Ridge District; and the Bedford Council of Garden Clubs.
The club meets the third monday of each month between September-June at Bethlehem United Method Church in Moneta, Virginia.
12:00 noon (unless otherwise noted)
For more information please contact
Donna Broomall 721-3645 or donna@broomall.us
Botanical Bulldogs Junior Garden Club second graders at Burnt Chimney Elementary School are being taught a germination experiment and how to plant seeds in a cup during their classroom gardening education program by MGC members. We meet with the three second grade classes and spend 45 minutes with each class. Our gardening partners will work with the students the second and third Tuesday of the month with the exception of holidays. This is part of the program provided by the 2013-2014 VFGC Youth Project Grants Program.
Moneta Garden Club members at Mill Mountain Zoo helping children plant butterfly weed to start their own butterfly gardens
Moneta Garden Club ladies enjoy showing off their hat designs during the general garden club meeting.
About Us: MCC's objectives reflects those of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. including: The many Youth Horticulture Education School Activities/Enrichment Programs we have proudly developed at our Smith Mountain Lake area. MGC sponsors two Junior Garden Clubs, the Gold Dusters and Botanical Bulldogs which totals 353 students.
Moneta Horticulture © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Moneta Garden Club (MGC) received a 2015-2016 “Keys to the Future” Youth Project Grant sponsored by the Virginia Federation of Garden
Clubs, Inc.
MGC members recently donated their time to teach approximately 150 fifth grade students how to create simple floral designs and to bring the beauty from the outdoors into their homes. The Project design called for MGC members to work with local elementary-age students in three, hands-on, one-day workshops; one at Burnt Chimney Elementary School, where the 5th grade Burnt Chimney, Botanical Bulldogs Junior Garden Club participated on Oct. 28th, and the second at Moneta Elementary School, where the 5th grade Gold Dusters Junior Garden Club participated on Oct. 21st. Nov. 18 MGC worked with Dudley Elementary School’s fifth grade classes to finish up the project. MGC floral designers were on hand to teach the students the art and principles of a basic floral design. Others from the MGC taught the students how to identify plants from other kinds of vegetation and ways to bring the beauty of the outside flora into their homes from their own garden or yards.